I am a microscopy and imaging specialist at Hitech Instruments, Inc and am involved in all facets of designing, installing and supporting innovative optical microscopy solutions for any application in the biological and materials sciences – from research to routine.
I received my B.S. degree in Molecular Biology from Arizona State University and then went on to work as a scientist developing rapid response diagnostic tests for OraSure Technologies, Inc. While working on my PhD at Temple University School of Medicine I decided to pursue a career in microscopy and have been with Hitech Instruments ever since. For the past 15 years I have enjoyed the varied scientific applications I get to be a part of on a daily basis and look forward to the challenge of helping all of our customers further their work. In my position I find myself working on ancient artifacts one day, complex cellular processes the next and critical aerospace parts the day after that which keeps me motivated to continually keep up with the latest developments in micro imaging.
I have two young children, Michael and Carolin and we enjoy traveling, hiking, camping, reading and playing sports. I dedicate a lot of my time to coaching youth baseball and football which helps me unwind from long work days.
I'm always available to work with you one on one to configure a microscope, imaging system or accessory whether it be a simple addition to an existing instrument or a complex multi-dimensional research system. We carry parts for all makes and models and pride ourselves on being extremely knowledgeable microscopists available as a resource to your lab.