
LSM 800

LSM 800

Your compact confocal power pack with Airyscan super resolution capability.

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Your Compact Confocal Power Pack

Confocal imaging demands the very best imaging quality. With LSM 800 you choose a flexible and compact confocal laser scanning microscope, complete with highly sensitive GaAsP detection and fast linear scanning.  Add Airyscan, the revolutionary detection concept from ZEISS, and gain 1.7× higher resolution in all three dimensions – resulting in a 5× smaller confocal volume. Push sensitivity beyond the limits of all conventional confocals.

LSM 800 is your entry into the world of high-end confocal imaging. Simply decide which options your system needs today, then upgrade in the future as your needs grow.

Perfectly Tailored to Your Needs

With up to three highly sensitive GaAsP detectors and fast linear scanning, LSM 800 brings you higher productivity and throughput, greater flexibility in live cell imaging and uncompromised image quality.  Use this confocal power pack for precise quantitative measurements.  Then take advantage of Airyscan, the revolutionary detection concept, for 1.7x higher resolution and higher sensitivity than any classic detection method can deliver.  


Airyscan is an array detector that draws on the fact that a fluorescence microscope will image a point-like source as an extended Airy disk.  When you close the pinhole in a standard confocal microscope to reject out of focus light, you get a sharper image, but it's also dimmer since a great deal of light is then lost.  The smaller the pinhole, the higher the resolution, but - equally - the bigger the loss in light.  Airyscan solves this condundrum between resolution and light efficiency by imaging the complete Airy disk onto a concentrically arranged hexagonal detector array.  It consists of 32 single detector elements, all of which act like sub-Airy unit pinholes.  The confocal pinhole itself remains open and doesn't block light - thus all photons of the whole Airy disk are collected.  The signals from all detector elements are then reassigned to their correct position, producing an image with increased signal to noise ratio and resolution.  Unlike other super resolution techniques, Airyscan capitalizes on the scanning and optical sectioning capabilities of a confocal.  Thus Airyscan even works with thicker samples such as tissue sections or whole animal mounts that need a higher penetration depth.  

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